CLI_SETSTATUS Channel: 2 SNAC(1,1E) This sets the clients online status code and some other direct client to client information as well. Parameters Length/TLV Content (If Fixed) Designations Description TLV06 00 06 00 04 xx xx xx xx STATUS This sets the client's online status and some flags: 00xxxxxx = allow direct connection with everyone 10xxxxxx = allow direct connection upon authorization 20xxxxxx = allow direct connection with users in contact list xx02xxxx = show IP xx03xxxx = webaware xxxx0000 = online xxxx0100 = invisible xxxx0001 = away xxxx0005 = NA xxxx0011 = Occupied xxxx0013 = DND xxxx0020 = Free for chat TLV08 00 08 00 02 00 00 ERROR Error code? TLV0C 00 0C 00 25 CLI2CLI The TLV contains several sections broken out as follows. 4 xx xx xx xx IPINTERNAL The client computer's local IP address. 4 00 00 xx xx PORT This is the port to connect with when making client to client connections. 1 xx TCPFLAG 01 = Firewall (or HTTPS proxy) 02 = SOCKS4/5 proxy 04 = 'normal' connection 2 00 08 TCPVERSION The highest client to client protocol version this client uses. 4 xx xx xx xx COOKIE Probably a direct client to client connection cookie. 2 00 00 Unknown 0, Unknown 2 00 50 Unknown 80, Unknown 2 00 00 Unknown 0, Unknown 2 00 03 COUNT Three items follow. 4 xx xx xx xx TIME A time(NULL) value. 4 xx xx xx xx TIME A time(NULL) value. 4 xx xx xx xx TIME A time(NULL) value. 2 00 00 Unknown 0, Unknown -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2A 02 14 BF 00 37 Flap: Channel 2, Sequence 5311, Length 55 00 01 00 1E 00 00 00 00 00 00 Snac: Type x01/x1E, ID x0000, Flags 0 00 06 00 04 20 02 00 00 Status: Direct connect=List, Show IP, Online 00 08 00 02 00 00 Error code 00 0C 00 25 C0 A8 01 02, Internal IP 00 00 2E 44 11844, Port 01 1, TCP Flag: Firewall 00 08 8, Protocol version: ICQ2001=v8 89 9F CD A0 Direct connect cookie 00 00 0, Unknown 00 50 80, Unknown 00 00 0, Unknown 00 03 Count: 3 3B A8 DB AF time(NULL): Wed Sep 19 13:53:51 2001 3B EB 53 73 time(NULL): Thu Nov 08 22:54:27 2001 3B EB 52 62 time(NULL): Thu Nov 08 22:49:54 2001 00 00 0, Unknown