SRV_REPLYBUDDY Channel: 2 SNAC(3,3) This packet is the reply to CLI_REQBUDDY SNAC(3,2). Parameters Length/TLV Content (If Fixed) Designations Description TLV01 00 01 00 02 02 58 MAXUINS 600, The maximum number of UINs allowed in the contact list. TLV02 00 02 00 02 02 EE MAXWATCHERS 750, The maximum number of people that can have the user's UIN in their contact list. TLV03 00 03 00 02 02 00 Unknown 512, Unknown -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2A 02 45 86 00 1C Flap: Channel 2, Sequence 17798, Length 28 00 03 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 02 Snac: Type x03/x03, ID x00000002, Flags 0 00 01 00 02 02 58 600, Max UINs in buddy list 00 02 00 02 02 EE 750, Max people with your UIN in their buddy list 00 03 00 02 02 00 512, Unknown 2A 02 DD 93 00 49 FLAP: Channel 2, Seq 0xDD93, Length 0x49 00 03 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 02 SNAC: 0x03/0x03, Ref 0x00000002, Flags 0 00 02 00 02 02 EE 750, Max UINs in your contact list 00 01 00 02 02 58 600, Max other people that can have your UIN 00 03 00 02 02 00 512, Unknown 00 0A 00 02 25 31 '%1' 00 0B 00 02 25 31 '%1' 00 0C 00 09 22 25 32 22 2C 5B 25 31 5D '"%2",[%1]' 00 0D 00 04 5B 25 31 5D '[%1]' 00 0E 00 02 25 31 '%1' 00 0F 00 02 25 31 '%1'