SRV_REPLYROSTEROK Channel: 2 SNAC(13,F) This packet is the reply to CLI_REQROSTER SNAC(13,5) if the values passed match those stored on the server, otherwise SNAC(13,6) SRV_REPLYROSTER will be sent. Parameters Length/TLV Content (If Fixed) Designations Description 4 xx xx xx xx TIME time(NULL), The last modification time of the server side contact list. 2 xx xx SIZE The size of the server side contact list. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2A 02 45 8A 00 10 Flap: Channel 2, Sequence 17802, Length 16 00 13 00 0F 00 00 00 01 00 05 Snac: Type x13/x0F, ID x00010005, Flags 0 3B EA C5 7B Last modification of server side contact list 00 1C Size of server side contact list 2A 02 DD 97 00 10 FLAP: Channel 2, Seq 0xDD97, Length 0x10 00 13 00 0F 00 00 00 01 00 05 SNAC: 0x13/0x0F, Ref 0x00010005, Flags 0 3C 36 D7 08 time(NULL), Time of last modification of server side contact list 00 32 50, size of server side contact list