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ICQ Information Center ::: Полное описание 2-ого протокола ICQ. 2th ICQ protocol. 2-ой протокол ICQ.

ICQ Information Center ::: Полное описание 2-ого протокола ICQ. 2th ICQ protocol. 2-ой протокол ICQ.
ICQ Protocol Unofficial ICQ Protocol v2

Ниже вашему вниманию предоставляется неофициальная версия 2-ого протокола ICQ. Самый первый протокол, который был представлен, так сказать, публике. Публичного описания первого протокола не существует. Спецификация носит версию 0.91.
Version 0.91
Last update 12 April 1998
(Minor update 11 May 1998 and 26 August 1998)
Created by Magnus Ihse ([email protected])
Copyright © 1998
The UDP packet sent from the client to the server has the following general layout:
 Length   Content (if fixed)    Name             Description
 ------   ------------------    ----             -----------
 2 bytes  02 00                 VERSION          Identifies the packet as an ICQ packet
 2 bytes  xx xx                 COMMAND          Code for service the server should provide
 2 bytes  xx xx                 SEQ_NUM          Sequence number
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           UIN              The senders UIN
 variable                       PARAMETERS       0 or more parameters (depending on COMMAND)
The UDP packet sent from the server to the client has the following general layout:
 Length   Content (if fixed)    Name             Description
 ------   ------------------    ----             -----------
 2 bytes  02 00                 VERSION          Identifies the packet as an ICQ packet
 2 bytes  xx xx                 COMMAND          Code for service the server should provide
 2 bytes  xx xx                 SEQ_NUM          Sequence number
 variable                       PARAMETERS       0 or more parameters (depending on COMMAND)
The VERSION field is present on all ICQ packets, and identifies the packet as a ICQ message. The SEQ_NUM contains a sequence number for the packet. All packets must have a unique sequence number (unless it is a retransmission). This is used to avoid confusion if a UDP packet is lost or duplicated (as may happen). Normally, the SEQ_NUM of the current packet is <the SEQ_NUM of the previous packet> + 1. Note that the server and the client has separate numbering, so that SEQ_NUM = 3 of a packet sent from the server is different from SEQ_NUM = 3 of a packet sent from the client. Note also that the server start counting on 00 00, and the client start counting on 01 00.
The following commands are available for the client to send to the server:
 Code        Name             Description
 ----        ----             -----------
 0A 00       ACK              Acknowledgement
 0E 01       SEND_MESSAGE     Send message through server (to offline user)
 E8 03       LOGIN            Login on server
 06 04       CONTACT_LIST     Inform the server of my contact list
 1A 04       SEARCH_UIN       Search for user using his/her UIN
 24 04       SEARCH_USER      Search for user using his/her name or e-mail
 2E 04       KEEP_ALIVE       Sent to indicate connection is still up
 38 04       SEND_TEXT_CODE   Send special message to server as text
 4C 04       LOGIN_1          Sent during login
 60 04       INFO_REQ         Request basic information about a user
 6A 04       EXT_INFO_REQ     Request extended information about a user
 9C 04       CHANGE_PASSWORD  Change the user's password
 D8 04       STATUS_CHANGE    User has changed online status (Away etc)
 28 05       LOGIN_2          Sent during login
Not yet described in detail (v0.1 of this document)
 0A 05       UPDATE_INFO      Update my basic information
 B0 04       UPDATE_EXT_INFO  Update my extended information
 3C 05       ADD_TO_LIST      Add user to my contact list
 56 04       REQ_ADD_TO_LIST  Request authorization to add to contact list
 BA 04       QUERY_SERVERS    Query the server about address to other servers
 C4 04       QUERY_ADDONS     Query the server about globally defined add-ons
 EC 04       NEW_USER_1       Ask for permission to add a new user
 FC 03       NEW_USER_REG     Register a new user
 A6 04       NEW_USER_INFO    Send basic information about a new user
 42 04       CMD_X1           *Unknown
 56 04       MSG_TO_NEW_USER  Send a message to a user not on my contact list
 (this one is also used to request permission to add someone with 'authorize'
 status to your contact list)
The following commands can be sent from the server to the client, either as a response to a client command, or to notify the client of some event.
 Code        Name             Description
 ----        ----             -----------
 0A 00       ACK              Acknowledgement
 5A 00       LOGIN_REPLY      Login reply
 6E 00       USER_ONLINE      User on contact list is online/has changed online status
 78 00       USER_OFFLINE     User on contact list has gone offline
 8C 00       USER_FOUND       User record found matching search criteria
 DC 00       RECEIVE_MESSAGE  Message sent while offline/through server
 A0 00       END_OF_SEARCH    No more USER_FOUND will be sent
 18 01       INFO_REPLY       Return basic information about a user
 22 01       EXT_INFO_REPLY   Return extended information about a user
 A4 01       STATUS_UPDATE    User on contact list has changed online status (Away etc)
Not yet described in detail (v0.1 of this document)
 1C 02       REPLY_X1         *Unknown (returned during login)
 E6 00       REPLY_X2         *Unknown (confirm my UIN?)
 E0 01       UPDATE_REPLY     Confirmation of basic information update
 C8 00       UPDATE_EXT_REPLY Confirmation of extended information update
 46 00       NEW_USER_UIN     Confirmation of creation of new user and newly assigned UIN
 B4 00       NEW_USER_REPLY   Confirmation of new user basic information
 82 00       QUERY_REPLY      Response to QUERY_SEVERS or QUERY_ADDONS
 C2 01       SYSTEM_MESSAGE   System message with URL'ed button
The UDP messages will now be examined in closer detail.


ACK (0A 00) Acknowledgement
Parameters: None
NOTE! Unlike all other commands, in ACK the field SEQ_NUM contains the sequence number of the *server's* packet the client wishes to acknowledge. Note further that an ACK should *not* be acknowledged!
SEND_MESSAGE (0E 01) Send message through server (to offline user)
 Length   Content (if fixed)    Name             Description
 ------   ------------------    ----             -----------
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           RECEIVER_UIN     UIN of the user the message is sent to
 2 bytes  (see below)           MESSAGE_TYPE     Type of message being sent
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LENGTH           Length of MESSAGE including NULL
 variable                       MESSAGE          The message, ended by a NULL (00)
MESSAGE_TYPE can be one of the following:
01 00 - the message is a normal message
04 00 - the message is an URL, and actually consists of two parts, separated by the code FE.
The first part is the description of the URL, and the second part is the actual URL.
LOGIN (E8 03) Login on server
 Length   Content (if fixed)    Name             Description
 ------   ------------------    ----             -----------
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           PORT             The TCP port to use for incoming connections
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LENGTH           Length of PASSWORD including NULL
 variable                       PASSWORD         The user's password + NULL (max 8 chars)
 4 bytes  78 00 00 00           X1               *Unknown
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           USER_IP          The user's IP address
 1 byte   04                    X2               *Unknown
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           STATUS           Users online status (normally 00 00 00 00)
 4 bytes  02 00 00 00           X3               *Unknown
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LOGIN_SEQ_NUM    Login sequence number
 4 bytes  00 00 00 00           X4               *Unknown
 4 bytes  08 00 78 00           X5               *Unknown
CONTACT_LIST (06 04) Inform the server of my contact list
 Length   Content (if fixed)    Name             Description
 ------   ------------------    ----             -----------
 2 bytes  xx xx                 NUM_CONTACTS     Number of contacts following
{4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           UIN              UIN of user on contact list }
The last field is repeated for as many users as NUM_CONTACTS indicate.
The server will send online/offline notification to client only of users registered using CONTACT_LIST.
SEARCH_UIN (1A 04) Search for user using his/her UIN
 Length   Content (if fixed)    Name             Description
 ------   ------------------    ----             -----------
 2 bytes  xx xx                 SEARCH_SEQ_NUM   Search sequence number
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           SEARCHED_UIN     The UIN to search for
The SEARCH_SEQ_NUM should be a unique number, to distinguish from other searches. The reply from the server will contain the SEARCH_SEQ_NUM of the search, to facitilate matching query and answer.
SEARCH_USER (24 04) Search for user using his/her name or e-mail
 Length   Content (if fixed)    Name             Description
 ------   ------------------    ----             -----------
 2 bytes  xx xx                 SEARCH_SEQ_NUM   Search sequence number
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LENGTH           Length of NICK_NAME including NULL
 variable                       NICK_NAME        Nick name to search for, NULL terminated
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LENGTH           Length of FIRST_NAME including NULL
 variable                       FIRST_NAME       First name to search for, NULL terminated
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LENGTH           Length of LAST_NAME including NULL
 variable                       LAST_NAME        Nick name to search for, NULL terminated
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LENGTH           Length of E_MAIL including NULL
 variable                       E_MAIL           E-mail to search for, NULL terminated
Note that search fields (NICK_NAME, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, E_MAIL) may be empty, but not all at the same time, i.e. at least one field must contain data. Note also that you may only search either on E_MAIL (in which the other fields must be empty), or on name (in which E_MAIL must be empty, and one or more of the other fields must contain data).
KEEP_ALIVE (2E 04) Sent to indicate connection is still up
Parameters: None
This command should be sent at regular intervals (normally every 2 minutes, or 120 seconds) from the client to the server.
SEND_TEXT_CODE (38 04) Send special message to server as text
 Length   Content (if fixed)    Name             Description
 ------   ------------------    ----             -----------
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LENGTH           Length of TEXT_CODE including NULL
 variable                       TEXT_CODE        Message to send to server, NULL terminated
 2 bytes  xx xx                 X1               *Unknown (code, usually 04 00 or 05 00)
The TEXT_CODE can contain for instance:
"B_USER_DISCONNECTED" (in which case the X1 field should containt 05 00) if the user has disconnected.
"B_MESSAGE_ACK" (in which case the X1 field should containt 05 00) if the client has problem connecting to the server. This is a request for the server to answer immediately to the client.
LOGIN_1 (4C 04) Sent during login
Parameters: None
This is sent during login. The exact purpose of this command is *Unknown.
INFO_REQ (60 04) Request basic information about a user
 Length   Content (if fixed)    Name             Description
 ------   ------------------    ----             -----------
 2 bytes  xx xx                 INFO_SEQ_NUM     Information sequential number
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           QUERY_UIN        UIN of user to request information about
The server will respond with a INFO_REPLY, with the same INFO_SEQ_NUM.
EXT_INFO_REQ (6A 04) Request extended information about a user
 Length   Content (if fixed)    Name             Description
 ------   ------------------    ----             -----------
 2 bytes  xx xx                 INFO_SEQ_NUM     Information sequential number
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           QUERY_UIN        UIN of user to request information about
The server will respond with a EXT_INFO_REPLY, with the same INFO_SEQ_NUM.
CHANGE_PASSWORD (9C 04) Change the user's password
 Length   Content (if fixed)    Name             Description
 ------   ------------------    ----             -----------
 2 bytes  xx xx                 PASSWORD_SEQ_NUM Password changing sequential number
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LENGTH           Length of NEW_PASSWORD including NULL
 variable                       NEW_PASSWORD     The new password, NULL terminated (max 8 chars)
STATUS_CHANGE (D8 04) User has changed online status (Away etc)
 Length   Content (if fixed)    Name             Description
 ------   ------------------    ----             -----------
 4 bytes  (see below)           STATUS           User's online status (Away etc)
The STATUS may take four different values:
00 00 00 00 = Online/connected
01 00 00 00 = Away
11 00 00 00 = Do Not Disturb (DND)
00 01 00 00 = Invisible
LOGIN_2 (28 05) Sent during login
 Length   Content (if fixed)    Name             Description
 ------   ------------------    ----             -----------
 1 byte   00                    X1               *Unknown


ACK (0A 00) Acknowledgement
Parameters: None
NOTE! Unlike all other commands, in ACK the field SEQ_NUM contains the sequence number of the *client's* packet the server acknowledges. Note further that an ACK should *not* be acknowledged!
LOGIN_REPLY (5A 00) Login reply
 Length   Content (if fixed)    Name             Description
 ------   ------------------    ----             -----------
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           USER_UIN         The user's UIN
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           USER_IP          The user's IP address
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LOGIN_SEQ_NUM    Login sequence number
 4 bytes  01 00 01 00           X1               *Unknown
 4 bytes  xx 00 16 00           X2               *Unknown (xx=19 or 18)
 4 bytes  8C 00 00 00           X3               *Unknown
 4 bytes  78 00 05 00           X4               *Unknown
 6 bytes  0A 00 05 00 01 00     X5               *Unknown
This is sent from the server upon receipt of a LOGIN. The LOGIN_SEQ_NUM is the same as in the corresponding LOGIN.
USER_ONLINE (6E 00) User on contact list is online/has changed online status
 Length   Content (if fixed)    Name             Description
 ------   ------------------    ----             -----------
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           REMOTE_UIN       The UIN of the user who has logged in
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           REMOTE_IP        The IP address of the user
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           REMOTE_PORT      The TCP port of the user
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           REMOTE_REAL_IP   The actual IP address of the user
 1 byte   04                    X1               *Unknown
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           STATUS           New status of the user
 4 bytes  02 00 00 00           X2               *Unkown
The REMOTE_IP is the "outer" IP address of the remote user, the REMOTE_REAL_IP is the "inner" IP address. These two will be identical unless the remote user is behind a firewall. The REMOTE_IP is the "official" IP address, as shown e.g. by the Info box in the client. The REMOTE_PORT is the TCP port number to use when the client wishes to open a direct connection to the remote user.
USER_OFFLINE (78 00) User on contact list has gone offline
 Length   Content (if fixed)    Name             Description
 ------   ------------------    ----             -----------
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           REMOTE_UIN       The UIN of the user who has logged out
USER_FOUND (8C 00) User record found matching search criteria
 Length   Content (if fixed)    Name             Description
 ------   ------------------    ----             -----------
 2 bytes  xx xx                 SEARCH_SEQ_NUM   Search sequence number
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           FOUND_UIN        Found user's UIN
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LENGTH           Length of NICK_NAME including NULL
 variable                       NICK_NAME        Found user's nick name, NULL terminated
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LENGTH           Length of FIRST_NAME including NULL
 variable                       FIRST_NAME       Found user's first name, NULL terminated
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LENGTH           Length of LAST_NAME including NULL
 variable                       LAST_NAME        Found user's last name, NULL terminated
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LENGTH           Length of E_MAIL including NULL
 variable                       E_MAIL           Found user's e-mail, NULL terminated
 1 byte   xx                    AUTHORIZE        User's authorization status
For each user found matching the criterion, a USER_FOUND will be returned. When all USER_FOUND's have been sent, the server will send an END_OF_SEARCH. If no users where found matching the criterion, an END_OF_SEARCH will be sent immediately, and no USER_FOUND will be sent. The AUTHORIZE determine wether the user allow anyone to include him/her on their contact list, or wether the user must accept first. Possible values of AUTHORIZE:
00 = The user must authorize the client to include him/her on the client's contact list
01 = The user allows anyone to include him/her on their contact list
RECEIVE_MESSAGE (DC 00) Message sent while offline/through server
 Length   Content (if fixed)    Name             Description
 ------   ------------------    ----             -----------
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           REMOTE_UIN       The sending user's UIN
 2 bytes  xx xx                 YEAR             The year the message was sent
 1 byte   xx                    MONTH            The month the message was sent
 1 byte   xx                    DAY              The day of the month the message was sent
 1 byte   xx                    HOUR             The hour the message was sent in GMT
 1 byte   xx                    MINUTE           The minute the message was sent
 2 bytes  xx xx                 TYPE             The type of message (message, URL, etc)
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LENGTH           Length of MESSAGE including NULL
 variable                       MESSAGE          The message sent, NULL terminated
Note that the HOUR contains the local time - 1 (unless GMT is involved somehow?). The TYPE identifies the type of message this is:
01 00 = Normal message
04 00 = URL (MESSAGE contains first the description, then a FE, and then the actual URL)
0C 00 = 'You were added' message. (MESSAGE contains: <nick name> FE <first name> FE <last name> FE <e-mail> FE <ASCII authorize>. The <ASCII authorize> is '1' (31) if the user allows anyone to add him/her to their contact list, and '0' (30) otherwise.)
END_OF_SEARCH (A0 00) No more USER_FOUND will be sent
 Length   Content (if fixed)    Name             Description
 ------   ------------------    ----             -----------
 2 bytes  xx xx                 SEARCH_SEQ_NUM   Search sequence number
 1 byte   xx                    MORE_FOUND       More users found but not displayed?
If MORE_FOUND is 00, then the returned USER_FOUND's contain information about all matching users. If MORE_FOUND is 01 however, then the server has found more users matching, but will not display more matches. The limit is drawn by 40 users. If a search request results in more than 40 matches, only the 40 first will be sent to the client, and MORE_FOUND will be set to 01.
INFO_REPLY (18 01) Return basic information about a user
 Length   Content (if fixed)    Name             Description
 ------   ------------------    ----             -----------
 2 bytes  xx xx                 INFO_SEQ_NUM     Information sequence number
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           REMOTE_UIN       The remote user's UIN
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LENGTH           Lenght of NICK_NAME including NULL
 variable                       NICK_NAME        The remote user's nick name
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LENGTH           Lenght of FIRST_NAME including NULL
 variable                       FIRST_NAME       The remote user's first name
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LENGTH           Lenght of LAST_NAME including NULL
 variable                       LAST_NAME        The remote user's last name
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LENGTH           Lenght of E_MAIL including NULL
 variable                       E_MAIL           The remote user's e-mail
 1 byte   xx                    AUTHORIZE        User's authorization status
Note that the parameters are identical to command USER_FOUND (8C 00). For more information about the fields, see USER_FOUND.
EXT_INFO_REPLY (22 01) Return extended information about a user
 Length   Content (if fixed)    Name             Description
 ------   ------------------    ----             -----------
 2 bytes  xx xx                 INFO_SEQ_NUM     Information sequence number
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           REMOTE_UIN       The remote user's UIN
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LENGTH           Lenght of CITY including NULL
 variable                       CITY             The remote user's city
 2 bytes  xx xx                 COUNTRY_CODE     The remote user's country code
 1 byte   xx                    COUNTRY_STATUS   Indicates if COUNTRY_CODE is entered or not
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LENGTH           Lenght of STATE including NULL
 variable                       STATE            The remote user's state (USA only)
 2 bytes  xx xx                 AGE              The remote user's age
 1 byte   xx                    SEX              The remote user's sex
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LENGTH           Lenght of PHONE including NULL
 variable                       PHONE            The remote user's city
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LENGTH           Lenght of HOME_PAGE including NULL
 variable                       HOME_PAGE        The remote user's city
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LENGTH           Lenght of ABOUT including NULL
 variable                       ABOUT            The remote user's city
The code used in COUNTRY_CODE is the international telephone prefix, e.g. 01 00 (1) for the USA, 2C 00 (44) for the UK, 2E 00 (46) for Sweden, etc. COUNTRY_STATUS is normally FE, unless the remote user has not entered a country, in which casse COUNTRY_CODE will be FF FF, and COUNTRY_STATUS will be 9C. The field AGE has the value FF FF if the user has not entered his/her age. The field SEX has three (!) possible values:
00 = Not specified
01 = Female
02 = Male
The ABOUT field is an optional free form field that allows the user to make a personal presentation of himself/herself.
STATUS_UPDATE (A4 01) User on contact list has changed online status (Away etc)
 Length   Content (if fixed)    Name             Description
 ------   ------------------    ----             -----------
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           REMOTE_UIN       UIN of the user whos status has changed
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           STATUS           The new online status of the user
The online status in STATUS is the same as used in STATUS_CHANGE (D8 04). See STATUS_CHANGE for details.
When a user wishes to send a message, an URL etc, to another user (called the "remote" user as opposite to the "local" user), the local user first checks to see if a TCP connection already is established to that user. If so is the case, then that connection will be used. If not, the user checks the remote users IP address and port number (information sent to the user from the server when the remote user logged in), and makes a connection to that address. Typical port numbers are in the range 1200-1300 (decimal). When a new connection is formed, a CHANNEL_INIT message must be sent. From there on, however, every time the user wishes to send a message, a CHANNEL_MESSAGE is sent. All messages sent must be acknowledged by the other side, using CHANNEL_ACK. Furthermore, all messages is replied to by another message from the receiver - which most often is empty, unless the user has posted a Away/DND message, in case this will be sent as a reply.
The TCP communication is similar to the UDP communication, in that all communication is done trough separate packets (often, but now always associated with individual TCP packets). Each packet must contain the packet's length (excluding the length count) as the first two bytes. Most messages contains the senders UIN as the next field.
CHANNEL_INIT Initiate inter-user communication using TCP
 Length   Content (if fixed)    Name             Description
 ------   ------------------    ----             -----------
 2 bytes  1A 00                 LENGTH           Length of this packet
 1 byte   FF                    INIT_IDENT       Identifies this packet as an initiation
 4 bytes  02 00 00 00           X1               *Unknown
 4 bytes  00 00 00 00           X2               *Unknown
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           MY_UIN           The local user's UIN
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           MY_IP            The user's IP address
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           MY_IP_REAL       The user's actual IP address
 1 byte   04                    X3               *Unknown
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           MY_PORT          The user's TCP port for incoming messages
Note that the port used for the "outgoing" connection is different from MY_PORT, the port other clients use to connect to this client. For the difference between MY_IP and MY_IP_REAL, see USER_ONLINE.
CHANNEL_MESSAGE Send message to online user
 Length   Content (if fixed)    Name             Description
 ------   ------------------    ----             -----------
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LENGTH           Length of this packet
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           UIN              The local user's UIN
 2 bytes  02 00                 VERSION          Identifies this as a ICQ packet
 2 bytes  EE 07                 MSG_COMMAND      The message type for CHANNEL_MESSAGE
 2 bytes  00 00                 X1               *Unknown
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           UIN_2            The local user's UIN
 2 bytes  xx xx                 TYPE             Message type
 2 bytes  xx xx                 LENGTH           Length of MESSAGE including NULL
 variable                       MESSAGE          The message to be sent, NULL terminated
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           MY_IP_REAL       The user's actual IP address
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           MY_IP            The user's IP address
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           PORT             The user's TCP port for incoming messages
 1 byte   04                    X2               *Unknown
 2 bytes  00 00                 X3               *Unknown
 2 bytes  xx xx                 CMD_TYPE         Identifies message as new message or reply
 4 bytes  xx xx xx xx           X4               *Unknown (checksum? sequence number?)
The TYPE is the same as described in RECEIVE_MESSAGE. The difference between MY_IP and MY_IP_REAL is described in USER_ONLINE. The CMD_TYPE can have two possible values:
10 00 = This is a new ('real', user initiated) message
00 00 = This is an auto reply
The auto reply is sent as an acknowledgement to all 'real' messages. They usually contains an empty message, but if the remote user is 'Away' or in DND mode, the reply will contain the Away/DND message. The X4 field is a bit tricky. It is always between 00 FF FF FF and FF FF FF FF, but the exact function of the field is unknown.
Протокол в текстовом файле, с дополнительными объяснениями и лицензионным соглашением: v2protocol.txt
